Life Chain
by Kathy Dillenbeck
October 6, 1996
Today I stood along the road with a special sign in hand
To stand up for the weak and frail, who are dying in this land.
Others stood beside me on my left and on my right,
A silent witness to the world -- It was hard to sleep that night.
As cars drove by and people stared, some drivers blew their horns
To show that they agreed that we should care for the unborn--
The unborn ones whose mothers will surrender them to choice,
The unborn ones who cannot speak -- the unborn have no voice.
A few who passed were quite upset at the stand that we were taking,
And let us know just what they thought of the statement we were making.
There was one girl who stopped her car while waiting for a red light.
Her bumper sticker said “Choose Death.” Her words said we had no right.
No right to stop her doing what she wanted with her body.
No right to tell her what to do -- she answered to nobody.
It made me sad to hear her scream - so quick to fight against us
May God show her the truth and may she join the battle with us.
It seemed the heavens wept that day in silent confirmation,
That God is also moved to tears by this man-made situation.
As Abel’s blood cried out to God when killed by his own brother,
So God must hear the cry of blood of those killed by their mothers.
The mothers say it is their choice, their bodies, and no other’s.
How sad that babies have to fear a choice made by their mothers.
The very ones that God selected specially to guard them
Are tragically the self-same ones who bring disaster to them.
For one short hour one special day our chain of life assembled
And we can hope that for a time our adversaries trembled,
But now there must be other ways to fight this vital battle,
There must be ways that we can make support for them unravel.
Perhaps a black band on our arm to indicate our mourning
For those broken, little ones who will never see light dawning.
A bumper sticker with “Choose Life” or similar suggestions
Would be the least that we can do to end this mass destruction.
This destruction of the babies before they even take one breath,
This practice that just paves the way for our nation’s certain death.
There must be some thing we can do to help them see the truth.
There must be some way we can help them see that we have proof.
Proof that God is love and has a special plan for them
Proof that Jesus gave His life especially for them.
For only then will their eyes see and their ears hear the crying
Of the broken, little ones who, every day, are dying.
Dying so that mom can have her choice of what to do
Dying just because this mother said she wanted to.
Let’s get down on our knees and pray and ask that God forgive us
In humility, let’s seek His face and beg His mercy for us.
Let’s be the light that Jesus said and salt with hearty savor.
Let’s show each one we meet this day that God will look with favor
On a nation that will walk His way, acknowledge right, and do it.
He’s says He’ll hear, forgive, and heal; we know He’ll see us through it.
Let’s do what we can do today; not sit back and do nothing.
Stand up for truth as Jesus said -- He wants us to do something.
But what that something is, I must admit, I do not know
Just pray that God will point us to the way that we should go.